And Store Your Inflatable Pool

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could extend the lifespan of your beloved inflatable pool? Well, good news! In this article, we’ll reveal some ingenious tips on how to store your inflatable pool properly. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to ensure that your pool stays in top-notch condition, ready to provide endless hours of fun in the sun for many seasons to come. So, read on and discover the secrets to effective inflatable pool storage!

And Store Your Inflatable Pool

Why Store Your Inflatable Pool

Inflatable pools have become a popular choice for many families, providing a convenient and affordable way to stay cool and have fun during the summer months. However, when the summer season comes to an end, it’s important to properly store your inflatable pool to ensure its longevity and avoid damage. By following some simple steps and using the right storage techniques, you can keep your pool in great condition and ready to use for years to come.

Benefits of Proper Storage

Properly storing your inflatable pool has numerous benefits. Firstly, it helps prevent any potential damage that could occur during the storage period. When stored incorrectly, your pool is at risk of punctures, tears, and damage from weather elements. Additionally, a well-stored pool will maintain its cleanliness, making it easier to set up and enjoy in the future. Lastly, storing your pool properly ensures the safety of anyone who comes into contact with it, as any damage or wear can be identified and addressed before it’s used again.

Preventing Damage and Prolonging Lifespan

Storing your inflatable pool correctly is essential to prevent damage and prolong its lifespan. One of the most common causes of damage is improper cleaning and drying before storage. Also, if your pool is not stored in the right location, it may be exposed to extreme temperatures or harsh weather conditions, which can weaken the materials and cause deterioration. By taking the necessary steps to protect and store your pool properly, you can extend its lifespan and save money on having to purchase a new one every summer.

Maintaining Safety and Cleanliness

storing your inflatable pool properly not only protects it from damage but also helps maintain its safety and cleanliness. When a pool is not stored correctly, bacteria and mold can grow, which can pose health risks to anyone using the pool in the future. By ensuring your pool is clean and dry before storage and storing it in a suitable location, you can minimize the risk of any health hazards and make it easier to set up when it’s time to use it again.

Preparation for Storage

Preparing your inflatable pool for storage is an important step that ensures its longevity and condition. Before putting away your pool, make sure to follow these steps:

Cleaning the Pool

Start by cleaning your pool thoroughly to remove any dirt, debris, or residue that may have accumulated during use. Use a mild soap or detergent and warm water to clean all surfaces, including the sides, bottom, and accessories. Pay extra attention to any areas with stubborn stains or algae growth. Rinse the pool with clean water to remove any soap residue before proceeding to the next step.

Thorough Drying

Once your pool is clean, it’s crucial to ensure that it is completely dry before storing it. Drain all the water from the pool and use towels or a clean cloth to wipe away any remaining moisture. Allow the pool to air dry for a few hours or until all surfaces are dry to the touch. This step is important to prevent the growth of mold or mildew during storage.

Removing Accessories

Before deflating the pool, remove any accessories such as ladder, slide, or pool toys. These items should be cleaned separately and stored in a dry and safe place. Not only will removing accessories prevent any potential damage to them, but it will also make the deflation process easier and more efficient.

Deflating the Pool

To deflate the pool, open the valve and gently press down on the pool to release the air. It’s important to remove all the air from the pool to avoid any strain on the seams or material during storage. Starting from one side, press out as much air as possible, working your way around the pool until it is completely deflated. Be careful not to use any sharp objects that could puncture or damage the pool.

Repairing Any Damage

Before storing your inflatable pool, inspect it carefully for any signs of damage. If you notice any holes, tears, or weak spots, it’s crucial to repair them before storing the pool. Most inflatable pools come with a repair kit that includes patches and adhesive. Follow the instructions provided to patch any damaged areas and allow sufficient time for the repair to dry before proceeding with the storage process.

Choosing the Right Storage Location

Selecting the appropriate storage location for your inflatable pool is essential to maintain its condition and protect it from any potential damage. Consider the following factors when choosing a storage location:

Indoor vs Outdoor Storage

When deciding between indoor and outdoor storage, indoor storage is generally preferred. Storing your pool indoors provides better protection from the elements, such as rain, sunlight, and extreme temperatures. If indoor storage is not feasible, opting for a covered outdoor area can also work, as long as the pool is protected from direct sunlight and inclement weather.

Consider Climate Conditions

Before choosing a storage location, consider the climate conditions in your area. Extreme heat or cold can have a detrimental effect on the pool’s materials. If possible, choose a storage location that is not subject to extreme temperature fluctuations to preserve the integrity of the pool.

Ensuring Adequate Space

Ensure that the storage location has enough space to accommodate the fully deflated pool. Inflatable pools come in various sizes, so it’s important to measure the dimensions and find a storage spot that can accommodate the pool without having to fold it excessively or squeeze it into a cramped space.

Protecting from Sunlight and Heat

Direct exposure to sunlight and heat can cause the materials of your pool to deteriorate over time. Choose a storage location that is away from windows or direct sunlight, and consider using a pool cover or a UV-resistant tarp to provide additional protection from UV rays.

Storage Options

Once you have chosen the right storage location, it’s time to explore some storage options for your inflatable pool. Here are a few popular choices:

Storage Bag

A storage bag specifically designed for inflatable pools can be a convenient option. These bags are usually made from durable materials and provide a compact storage solution. Be sure to choose a bag that fits the dimensions of your pool to ensure a proper fit.

Storage Box

If you prefer a more rigid storage solution, a storage box can be a great choice. Look for a waterproof and sturdy box that is large enough to accommodate the pool when fully deflated. Ensure that the box has a secure lid to keep dust, dirt, and pests out.

Garage or Shed

If you have an available garage or shed space, it can be an ideal location for storing your inflatable pool. Make sure the space is clean, dry, and provides adequate protection from the elements. If storing in a garage, keep in mind that extreme temperatures can still affect the pool, so consider insulating the storage area if necessary.

Attic or Basement

For those with limited space, an attic or basement can be used for storage, provided they are accessible and have enough space. Ensure these areas are clean, dry, and free from pests to protect your pool during storage.

Under-Bed Storage

If you have a small inflatable pool, under-bed storage can be a practical option. Measure the height of your bed to ensure the deflated pool will fit underneath. Vacuum seal bags can be used to save even more space.

Proper Folding Techniques

Properly folding your inflatable pool is an important step in preparing it for storage. Follow these techniques to ensure a tight and secure fold:

Removing Air Completely

Before folding, make sure to remove all the air from the pool. Pressing on the sides and bottom will help expel any remaining air. It’s important to fold the pool without any trapped air, as this can cause strain on the material and potentially lead to damage.

Starting from One End

To achieve a neat and compact fold, start folding the pool from one end. Gradually fold the sides inward, keeping the fold tight and even. Continue folding until the pool is in a manageable size for storage.

Using a Helper

If you have a larger pool, it can be helpful to have a second person assist you in the folding process. One person can hold the pool in place while the other person folds and compresses the pool, ensuring a tighter and more secure fold.

Avoiding Sharp Folds

While folding the pool, be mindful of sharp folds that can create weak points in the material. Instead, aim for smooth and rounded folds to minimize stress and potential damage.

Securing with Straps or Ties

Once the pool is folded, use straps or ties to secure it in its folded position. This will prevent it from unfolding or shifting during storage. Make sure the straps or ties are not too tight to avoid putting excessive pressure on the pool.

Additional Tips for Long-Term Storage

If you plan on storing your inflatable pool for an extended period, consider the following tips to maintain its condition:

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Periodically inspect your stored pool to ensure there are no signs of damage or deterioration. Check for any leaks, weak spots, or pests that may have made their way into the storage area.

Protecting Against Pests

Take precautions to keep pests away from your stored pool. Seal any gaps or cracks in the storage area, and consider using pest repellents or traps to deter insects and rodents.

Avoiding Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can negatively impact the materials of your pool during long-term storage. If possible, choose a storage location that maintains a moderate and stable temperature throughout the year.

Proper Winter Storage

If you live in an area with cold winters, it’s important to take extra precautions during winter storage. Ensure your pool is completely dry and free of water to prevent freezing and potential damage to the material.

Preventing Mold and Mildew

To prevent the growth of mold and mildew, make sure your pool is completely dry before storing it. Consider using moisture-absorbing products or placing a dehumidifier in the storage area to maintain low moisture levels.

Preparing for Reuse

When the time comes to use your inflatable pool again, make sure to properly prepare it for reuse. Follow these steps:

Thorough Cleaning and Disinfecting

Before inflating the pool, clean and disinfect all surfaces thoroughly. Use a mild detergent or pool cleaner to remove any dirt, residue, or bacteria that may have accumulated during storage. Rinse the pool thoroughly to remove any cleaning agents before proceeding further.

Inspecting for Damage

Carefully inspect your pool for any signs of damage or wear before inflating it. Look for any holes, tears, or weak spots that may have occurred during storage. Patch any damaged areas using the repair kit provided or purchase suitable patches and adhesive for repairs.

Reinflating and Checking for Leaks

Once the pool is clean and repaired, carefully inflate it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Check for any air leaks by listening for escaping air or applying a soap and water solution to the inflated areas. If any leaks are detected, mark them and repair them promptly before filling the pool with water.

Replacing Accessories

Inspect any accessories you removed before storage for damage or wear. If necessary, replace them with new ones to ensure a safe and enjoyable pool experience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure the proper storage and care of your inflatable pool, it’s essential to avoid the following common mistakes:

Storing While Wet or Dirty

Never store your pool while it’s still wet or dirty. Moisture can accumulate and lead to mold or mildew growth, while dirt and debris can cause damage over time. Always make sure the pool is thoroughly cleaned and completely dry before storage.

Folded Incorrectly

Improper folding can create stress points and cause damage to the pool over time. Follow the proper folding techniques outlined earlier to ensure a tight and secure fold.

Storing Near Sharp Objects

Avoid storing your pool in close proximity to sharp objects or surfaces that may puncture or damage the material. Keep it away from tools, gardening equipment, or any other objects that may cause unintentional harm.

Neglecting Periodic Inspection

Regularly inspect your stored pool for any signs of damage, pests, or deterioration. Addressing any issues promptly will help prevent further damage and ensure the pool’s longevity.

Ignoring Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, storage, and maintenance of your inflatable pool. They are the experts and will provide specific guidelines tailored to your pool’s materials and design.


Storing your inflatable pool properly is vital for maintaining its condition, prolonging its lifespan, and ensuring the safety of future use. By following the steps outlined in this article, including thorough cleaning, proper drying, and choosing the right storage location, you can enjoy your inflatable pool for many summers to come. Remember to inspect and maintain your pool regularly and avoid common mistakes such as storing it while wet or neglecting periodic inspections. With proper care and storage, your inflatable pool will continue to provide endless fun and enjoyment for you and your family.


