How To Create A DIY Inflatable Pool Fountain

If you’re looking to add some extra pizzazz to your pool parties this summer, creating your very own DIY inflatable pool fountain is the way to go! Not only will it create a stunning visual centerpiece, but it will also provide a refreshing and relaxing ambiance to your pool area. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to create your own inflatable pool fountain. So grab your materials and let’s get started on this fun and exciting project!

How To Create A DIY Inflatable Pool Fountain

Materials Needed

To create a DIY inflatable pool fountain, you will need the following materials:

  • Inflatable pool: Choose a pool that is suitable for your space and desired height for the fountain.
  • Fountain pump: Select a fountain pump that is compatible with the size of your inflatable pool.
  • Hose: Get a hose that can connect the fountain pump to the pool.
  • Adapter: You will need an adapter to connect the hose to the fountain pump.
  • Waterproof tape: Ensure you have waterproof tape to secure any connections and prevent leaks.
  • Scissors: These will come in handy for cutting materials such as the PVC pipe and tape.
  • Marker: Use a marker to make precise marks on the PVC pipe for cutting.
  • Measuring tape: This will be used to measure the desired height of the fountain.
  • PVC pipe: Get a PVC pipe that is sturdy and can withstand water pressure.
  • PVC pipe connectors: These will be used to connect the PVC pipe to the fountain pump securely.

Now that you have gathered all the necessary materials, we can move on to the step-by-step process of creating your DIY inflatable pool fountain.

Step 1: Inflate the Pool

The first step in creating your DIY inflatable pool fountain is to inflate the pool. Follow these steps to ensure a successful inflation process:

  1. Select a suitable location: Choose a flat and stable area where you want to set up your pool. Make sure there are no sharp objects or obstructions that could puncture the pool.

  2. Spread the pool out: Lay the deflated pool flat on the ground, ensuring there are no wrinkles or folds in the material. This will help with a smooth inflation process.

  3. Inflate the pool using an air pump: Use an air pump to inflate the pool. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific air pump you are using. Ensure that the pool is fully inflated and free of wrinkles.

  4. Ensure the pool is fully inflated: Check the pool for any areas that may still be deflated or have low air pressure. Make sure the pool is fully inflated and ready for the next steps.

How To Create A DIY Inflatable Pool Fountain

Step 2: Prepare the Fountain Pump

Now that the pool is ready, it’s time to prepare the fountain pump. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Choose a fountain pump: Select a fountain pump that is suitable for the size and depth of your pool. Consider the flow rate and power requirements of the pump to ensure it is sufficient for your desired fountain height.

  2. Attach the adapter to the pump: Connect the adapter to the fountain pump according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure a secure connection to prevent any leaks.

  3. Connect the hose to the adapter: Attach one end of the hose to the adapter on the fountain pump. Ensure a tight connection to prevent any water leakage.

  4. Test the pump to ensure proper flow: Before proceeding, test the fountain pump to ensure it is working correctly and the water flow is as desired. Adjust the flow rate if necessary.

Step 3: Mark and Cut the PVC Pipe

The next step in creating your DIY inflatable pool fountain involves marking and cutting the PVC pipe. Follow these steps:

  1. Determine the desired height of the fountain: Measure the depth of your pool and consider how high you want the fountain to be. This will help determine the length of PVC pipe you need.

  2. Mark the PVC pipe at the desired height: Use a marker to make a clear and precise mark on the PVC pipe at the desired height for the fountain. Double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy.

  3. Cut the PVC pipe at the marked point: Using a pair of scissors or a saw, carefully cut the PVC pipe at the marked point. Take your time and ensure a clean and straight cut.

  4. Smooth the cut edges with sandpaper: After cutting the PVC pipe, use sandpaper to smooth the rough edges. This will prevent any splintering or injury during the assembly process.

How To Create A DIY Inflatable Pool Fountain

Step 4: Connect the PVC Pipe to the Fountain Pump

Now it’s time to connect the PVC pipe to the fountain pump. Follow these steps for a secure connection:

  1. Attach a PVC pipe connector to the pump: Take the PVC pipe connector and securely attach it to the adapter on the fountain pump. Ensure a tight connection to prevent any water leakage.

  2. Insert the cut end of the PVC pipe into the connector: Insert the cut end of the PVC pipe into the connector. Make sure it fits snugly and is securely in place.

  3. Secure the connection with waterproof tape: To further prevent any leaks, wrap waterproof tape around the connection between the PVC pipe and the connector. This will provide extra security and ensure a watertight seal.

Step 5: Place the Fountain in the Pool

With the PVC pipe connected to the fountain pump, it’s time to position the fountain in the pool. Follow these steps:

  1. Lower the PVC pipe into the pool: Carefully lower the PVC pipe with the connected fountain pump into the pool. Make sure it is straight and centered in the pool.

  2. Ensure the PVC pipe is stable and upright: Adjust the positioning of the PVC pipe to ensure it is stable and upright. You can use sandbags or other weights to secure the base of the pipe if necessary.

  3. Position the fountain pump outside the pool near a power source: Place the fountain pump outside the pool, ideally near a power source. Ensure that the power source is safe and waterproof.

  4. Extend the hose from the pump into the pool: Extend the hose from the fountain pump into the pool, making sure it reaches the desired depth. Ensure that the hose is securely connected and doesn’t have any kinks or obstructions.

Step 6: Connect the Pump to a Power Source

With the fountain and pool set up, it’s time to connect the pump to a power source. Follow these steps:

  1. Plug the pump into a nearby power outlet: Connect the power cord of the fountain pump to a nearby power outlet. Make sure the outlet is grounded and can handle the power requirements of the pump.

  2. Make sure the power source is waterproof and safe: Ensure that the power source is protected from water and is safe for outdoor use. Use appropriate extensions cords and take necessary precautions to prevent electrical hazards.

Step 7: Test the Fountain

It’s time to see your DIY inflatable pool fountain in action! Follow these steps to test the fountain:

  1. Turn on the pump to start the fountain: Switch on the fountain pump to start the water flow. You should soon see water shooting out from the top of the PVC pipe, creating a beautiful fountain effect.

  2. Check the water flow and adjust if necessary: Observe the water flow and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your desired fountain effect. You can increase or decrease the pump’s flow rate to control the height and intensity of the fountain.

  3. Ensure the pump is functioning properly: Monitor the pump for any signs of malfunction or irregularities. Check for any leaks or unusual noises. If any issues arise, turn off the pump and troubleshoot the problem before proceeding.

Step 8: Maintain and Monitor the Fountain

Now that your DIY inflatable pool fountain is up and running, it’s important to maintain and monitor the fountain to ensure its longevity and safe operation. Follow these tips:

  1. Regularly clean the pool and fountain components: Keep the pool clean and free from debris. Additionally, clean the fountain pump and PVC pipe regularly to prevent any clogs or blockages.

  2. Check for any clogs or blockages in the system: Regularly inspect the fountain pump, hose, and PVC pipe for any clogs or blockages. Remove any debris or obstructions to maintain optimal water flow.

  3. Monitor the water level and refill if necessary: Keep an eye on the water level in the pool and top it up if necessary. Make sure there is always enough water to keep the fountain pump submerged and prevent damage.

  4. Inspect the pump for any signs of damage: Periodically check the fountain pump for any signs of damage, such as cracks or leaks. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe operation.

Step 10: Endnotes

Congratulations, you have successfully created your own DIY inflatable pool fountain! Enjoy the soothing sounds and beautiful aesthetics of your personal fountain oasis.

Don’t forget to share your creation with others. Your friends and family would love to see your creative project and might even be inspired to create their own.

Remember to always prioritize safety when working with electrical equipment and water. Ensure that all connections are secure and double-check all safety measures before operating the fountain.

Now it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the serenity of your DIY inflatable pool fountain.


