How To Level The Ground For Your Inflatable Pool

So, you’ve decided to set up an inflatable pool in your backyard to beat the summer heat. That’s a fantastic idea! But before you can dive into the cool waters, you need to make sure the ground is level. This may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this article, we will provide you with simple yet effective tips on how to level the ground for your inflatable pool. By following these steps, you’ll have a stable and safe surface for your pool, ensuring endless hours of fun and relaxation for you and your family.

Preparing the Ground

When it comes to setting up an inflatable pool in your backyard, one of the most important steps is preparing the ground. This ensures that the pool sits on a level and stable surface, providing a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your family. In this article, we will guide you through the process of leveling the ground, from clearing the area to maintaining the ground after the pool is installed.

Clearing the Area

Before you start leveling the ground, it is essential to clear the area of any obstacles. Remove any rocks, tree roots, or large debris that could potentially affect the stability of your pool. This is especially important if you plan to place the pool on a grassy area. Clearing the area not only ensures a level surface but also helps prevent punctures or damage to the pool.

Checking for Slope

After clearing the area, it is crucial to check for any slope or unevenness. Ideally, the ground should be completely flat, but a slight slope can also be acceptable as long as it is not too steep. To check for slope, place a long board or a level on different parts of the ground and see if it remains horizontal. If you notice a significant slope, it is recommended to level the ground to ensure the pool is stable.

Removing Rocks and Debris

Even after clearing the area, you may still find smaller rocks or debris leftover. It is essential to remove these as they can cause discomfort while using the pool and may even puncture the pool’s bottom. Use a rake or a shovel to carefully remove any remaining rocks and debris from the ground. Taking the time to ensure the ground is free from sharp objects will contribute to the longevity of your inflatable pool.

Measuring and Marking the Area

Once the ground is prepared, the next step is to measure and mark the area where you plan to set up your inflatable pool. This will help you determine the suitable size for your pool and ensure that it fits within the designated space.

Choosing a Location

Choosing the right location for your inflatable pool is crucial for both practical and safety reasons. Look for an area in your backyard that is conveniently accessible and has sufficient space for the pool and its surroundings. Consider factors such as nearby trees or shrubs that could shed leaves or branches into the pool, as well as the amount of sunlight the area receives. Remember to also check for any underground utilities or pipes that may be present before selecting the location.

Determining the Size

Once you have chosen the location, measure the available space to determine the size of the pool you can install. Consider factors such as the size of your backyard, the number of people who will be using the pool, and any additional features or accessories you plan to include. It is important to choose a pool size that provides enough space for everyone to comfortably enjoy themselves, while still fitting within the designated area.

Marking the Boundaries

After determining the size of your pool, use stakes or markers to mark the boundaries of the pool area. This will serve as a visual guide when leveling the ground, ensuring that you stay within the designated space. Place the stakes or markers along the outer edges of the pool, creating a clear boundary for excavation and leveling.

Leveling Techniques

Once you have measured and marked the area, it is time to start leveling the ground. There are several techniques you can use to achieve a level surface for your pool.

Using a String Level

One of the simplest and most cost-effective methods of leveling the ground is by using a string level. Attach the string to two stakes placed at opposite corners of the pool area. Make sure the string is taut and level. Adjust the height of the string by raising or lowering the stakes as needed to achieve a level line. Use this level line as a reference point when excavating and leveling the ground.

Using a Laser Level

For more precise leveling, you can opt to use a laser level. This tool projects a straight line across the ground, allowing for accurate measurements and adjustments. Set up the laser level according to the manufacturer’s instructions and align it with the marked boundaries of the pool area. As you excavate and level the ground, ensure that the laser line remains level. Adjust the height of the ground as necessary until the laser line is consistently level throughout the pool area.

Using a Water Level

Another effective leveling technique is using a water level. This method relies on the principle that water seeks its own level. Start by attaching a clear tubing to two stakes placed at opposite corners of the pool area. Fill the tubing with water, ensuring that it is free from air bubbles. The water will naturally level itself in both sides of the tubing. Adjust the height of the stakes until the water levels on both ends match. As you excavate and level the ground, make sure the water level remains consistent throughout the pool area.

Creating a Level Surface

Now that you have chosen a leveling technique, it is time to create a level surface for your inflatable pool. This step involves preparing the ground to ensure it is smooth and free from any dips or bumps.

Rototilling the Area

If your backyard has compacted soil or grass, rototilling can help loosen the ground and prepare it for leveling. Rent or purchase a rototiller and carefully till the area within the marked boundaries. This process will break up the soil and remove any remaining grass or weeds, providing a fresh start for a leveled surface.

Using a Lawn Roller

Once the ground is tilled, using a lawn roller can further smooth the surface and level out any remaining unevenness. Fill the lawn roller with water or sand to add weight, then roll it over the area in different directions. This will help compress the soil and create a more solid and level surface for your pool.

Using a Shovel and Rake

For smaller areas or areas where machinery cannot reach, you can use a shovel and rake to level the ground manually. Begin by spreading the soil evenly throughout the pool area. Use the backside of the rake to smooth out any uneven areas and create a level surface. Continuously check the levelness with your chosen leveling technique to ensure accuracy.

Filling Low Spots

While leveling the ground, you may come across low spots or depressions that need to be filled in. This step will help achieve an even surface for your inflatable pool.

Using Topsoil

If you encounter small low spots or indentations, filling them in with topsoil can be an effective solution. Purchase bagged topsoil from a garden center or use soil from another area of your yard. Fill the low spots with topsoil, ensuring that it is evenly distributed and compacted. Use a rake or shovel to level the filled areas with the surrounding ground.

Using Sand

Sand is another popular option for filling low spots and achieving a level surface. Start by spreading a layer of sand over the affected areas. Use a rake to distribute the sand evenly and then compact it using a tamper or a roller. Check for levelness and make adjustments as necessary. Sand not only helps fill low spots but also provides a comfortable surface to walk on around the pool.

Using Pea Gravel

If you want a more decorative and permeable option for filling low spots, pea gravel can be an excellent choice. Spread a layer of pea gravel over the depressions and use a rake to level it out. As you compress the gravel, it will create a stable and level surface. Pea gravel allows for efficient water drainage and adds a visually appealing element to your pool area.

Compacting the Ground

Once the ground is leveled and any low spots have been filled, it is crucial to compact the soil to ensure stability and prevent future shifting.

Using a Plate Compactor

A plate compactor is a heavy-duty machine that exerts pressure on the ground, compressing the soil and creating a stable surface. Rent or purchase a plate compactor and carefully use it over the entire pool area, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Pay extra attention to the outer edges and corners to ensure they are adequately compacted. This step will help prevent any sinking or shifting of the ground once the pool is in place.

Using a Hand Tamper

If you prefer a manual method of compacting the ground, a hand tamper is a viable option. Simply hold the handle of the tamper and repeatedly press it into the ground, focusing on the entire pool area. The impact will compact the soil and create a solid surface. While this method requires more physical effort than using a plate compactor, it can still effectively compact the ground.

Using a Water-Filled Roller

An alternative to a plate compactor or hand tamper is a water-filled roller. Fill the roller with water to increase its weight and roll it across the pool area. As the roller moves, it compresses the soil beneath it, ensuring a compact and level surface. This method is particularly useful for smaller pools or areas where machinery cannot be used.

Checking the Levelness

After compacting the ground, it is essential to thoroughly check the levelness of the surface to ensure a stable and safe pool setup.

Using a Carpenter’s Level

Place a carpenter’s level on different parts of the ground to assess its levelness. The bubble inside the level should be centered between the lines, indicating that the ground is evenly leveled. If you notice any areas that are not level, make the necessary adjustments by adding or removing soil or using the techniques mentioned earlier.

Using a Straight Board

Another method to check the levelness is by using a straight board. Place the board across the ground, allowing it to span several feet. Check if the board lays flat on the ground without any gaps or rocking. If you observe any unevenness, address it by adding or removing soil and repeating the leveling process.

Using a String Line

Lastly, you can use a string line to visually determine the levelness of the ground. Attach the string to the stakes or markers placed along the boundaries of the pool area. Ensure that the string remains taut and straight. As you inspect the ground, make sure it aligns with the string line. If there are any deviations, adjust the ground accordingly to achieve a level surface.

Fixing Uneven Areas

Even with thorough leveling, it is normal to come across uneven areas during the checking process. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to fix these inconsistencies and achieve a truly level surface.

Adding Soil

If you identify areas that are lower than the desired level, you can add soil to bring them up. Fill these low spots with soil and distribute it evenly, using a shovel or rake to level it with the surrounding ground. Continue to check the levelness as you add soil, ensuring that all areas are aligned with the desired level.

Removing Excess Soil

On the other hand, if you find areas that are higher than the desired level, you will need to remove the excess soil. Use a shovel or rake to carefully scrape away the excess soil, gradually bringing it down to the desired level. This process may take time, so be patient and periodically check the levelness as you remove the excess soil.

Adding Sand or Gravel

For areas that are slightly uneven, adding a layer of sand or gravel can help achieve a level surface. Spread a layer of sand or pea gravel over the uneven areas and use a rake or shovel to distribute it evenly. Compact the sand or gravel using a tamper or roller, ensuring that it is level with the rest of the ground. Sand or gravel can provide a stable and aesthetically pleasing solution for minor inconsistencies.

Maintaining the Ground

Now that you have successfully leveled the ground for your inflatable pool, it is important to maintain it to ensure its longevity and enjoyment.

Regular Inspections

Regularly inspect the ground around the pool for any signs of shifting or settling. Over time, environmental factors or frequent pool use may cause the ground to shift slightly. If you notice any areas that have become uneven, address them promptly using the leveling techniques mentioned earlier. By addressing these issues early on, you can maintain a safe and level surface for your pool.

Addressing Erosion

If your leveled ground is prone to erosion, it is crucial to address this issue to prevent further complications. Erosion can lead to uneven or unstable ground, compromising the stability of your inflatable pool. Consider adding erosion control measures such as mulch, retaining walls, or establishing a drainage system to mitigate erosion risk. Regularly monitor the affected areas and make any necessary adjustments to maintain a stable ground surface.

Replacing Damaged Areas

Over time, wear and tear or external factors may cause sections of the leveled ground to become damaged. This could be due to heavy pool equipment, furniture, or accidents. It is important to promptly replace any damaged areas to maintain a level surface. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to repeat the leveling process or make minor adjustments. By addressing and replacing damaged areas, you can ensure the stability and safety of your pool setup.


Leveling the ground for your inflatable pool is a crucial step in ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. By following the steps and techniques outlined in this article, you can create a level surface that provides stability and comfort for your pool. Remember to thoroughly prepare the ground, use appropriate leveling techniques, and regularly inspect and maintain the area. With a properly leveled ground, you can fully enjoy your inflatable pool and create lasting memories with family and friends. So dive in and have a splashing time in your perfectly leveled pool!

Enjoying Your Leveled Ground

After all the hard work of leveling the ground is done, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. With a level surface beneath your inflatable pool, you can now relax and have fun without worrying about any stability issues. Whether you are lounging in the pool or playing games with your loved ones, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience and make the most out of your backyard oasis.

Proper Pool Setup and Safety

While a level ground is essential for your inflatable pool, it is equally important to ensure proper pool setup and safety measures. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing and maintaining your pool. Pay attention to safety guidelines such as setting up a secure fence around the pool area, providing adult supervision, and establishing rules for pool usage. By prioritizing pool setup and safety, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone to enjoy.

Remember, taking the time to level the ground properly is worth it in the long run. It not only provides a stable base for your pool but also contributes to the overall safety and longevity of your inflatable pool. So roll up your sleeves, follow the steps outlined in this article, and get ready to create the perfect pool setup in your backyard. Happy swimming!


