How To Patch And Repair A Leaking Inflatable Pool

Imagine this: it’s a hot summer day, the sun is shining, and you’re looking forward to a refreshing dip in your inflatable pool. But as you step into the water, you feel a sudden chill – the pool is leaking! Don’t fret, because in this article, we will guide you through the simple steps of patching and repairing a leaking inflatable pool. With a few basic tools and a little bit of patience, you’ll be back to enjoying your cool oasis in no time.

Materials Needed

Before you begin repairing your leaking inflatable pool, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

Patch kit

A patch kit specifically designed for inflatable pools is essential for a successful repair. It should include adhesive and patches made from durable and waterproof material.


Sandpaper with a fine grit will help you smoothen the edges of the patch for a seamless finish.


You’ll need a pair of scissors to cut the patch from the kit to the appropriate size.


A marker will come in handy to mark the areas where you identify leaks.

Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is necessary to clean the area around the leak before applying the patch.

Soap and water

Soap and water will be used to check for bubbles in the repaired area after applying the patch.

Cloth or sponge

A cloth or sponge will assist in cleaning and drying the area prior to patching.

Now that you have gathered all the necessary materials, let’s move on to the step-by-step guide on how to patch and repair your leaking inflatable pool.

Step 1: Locate the Leak

The first step is to identify the location of the leak. Here’s how you can do it:

Fill the pool with water

Before you start looking for leaks, fill the pool with water until it reaches its normal level. This will help you better identify any leaks and accurately determine their positions.

Check for visible leaks

Carefully inspect the pool for any visible holes, punctures, or tears. These may include spots where the material is torn or separated.

Listen for hissing sounds

While the pool is filled with water, listen carefully for any hissing sounds. These sounds may indicate air escaping from a puncture in the pool.

Once you have located the leak, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Prepare the Pool

In order to effectively patch the leak, you need to prepare the pool properly. Here’s what you should do:

Drain the pool

Before you begin any repairs, drain the pool completely. This will allow you to work on a dry surface and ensure better adhesion when applying the patch.

Clean the area around the leak

Using soap and water, thoroughly clean the area surrounding the leak. This will remove any dirt, debris, or residue that might interfere with the adhesion of the patch.

Dry the area

After cleaning, make sure to dry the area completely. A cloth or sponge can be used to absorb any leftover moisture, ensuring a proper bond between the patch and the pool material.

Now that the pool is prepped, let’s proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Cut and Shape the Patch

The success of your repair depends on properly cutting and shaping the patch. Follow these guidelines:

Select a patch from the kit

Choose a patch from the kit that matches the material and color of your pool. This will help the repair blend in seamlessly and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Cut the patch to size

Using scissors, carefully cut the patch to an appropriate size that will effectively cover the leak. It’s better to cut the patch slightly larger than the area needing repair, as you can always trim it down later.

Round the corners of the patch

To prevent the corners of the patch from peeling or snagging, round them off using scissors or a rounded object. This step will ensure better adhesion and a longer-lasting repair.

Now that your patch is ready, let’s move on to applying it to the pool.

Step 4: Apply the Patch

With the patch prepared, it’s time to attach it to the pool. Follow these steps for a successful application:

Clean the area with rubbing alcohol

Before applying the patch, clean the area surrounding the leak with rubbing alcohol. This will remove any remaining dirt or residue and ensure optimal adhesion.

Apply adhesive to the patch and pool

Using the adhesive provided in the patch kit, apply a thin layer of adhesive to both the patch and the pool material. Follow the instructions on the adhesive packaging for the best results.

Press the patch firmly onto the leak

Carefully position the patch over the leak, ensuring it covers the damaged area completely. Press the patch firmly onto the pool material, applying even pressure to create a secure bond. Hold the patch in place for a few moments to promote adhesion.

Now that you have applied the patch, it’s time to move on to the next step to ensure a smooth and seamless repair.

Step 5: Smooth the Patch

After applying the patch, it’s important to make sure it blends well with the rest of the pool’s surface. Follow these steps for a smooth and seamless repair:

Allow the adhesive to dry

Before proceeding, give the adhesive enough time to dry completely. This usually takes about 24 hours, but refer to the instructions on the adhesive packaging for the exact drying time.

Gently sand the edges of the patch

Once the adhesive is dry, use a fine-grit sandpaper to gently sand the edges of the patch. This will smoothen any rough edges and ensure a seamless transition between the patch and the pool material.

Rub soap and water over the patch to check for bubbles

To ensure there are no air bubbles trapped under the patch, rub soap and water over the repaired area. If you notice any bubbles or areas where the patch is lifting, press down firmly to secure it in place.

With the patch smoothed out and any bubbles addressed, we’re ready to move on to the final step: testing for leaks.

Step 6: Test for Leaks

After completing the repair, it’s crucial to test whether the patch effectively resolved the leak. Follow these steps to verify the success of your repair:

Refill the pool with water

Once the patch is applied and the repair site is smooth, refill the pool with water. This will recreate the conditions under which the leak was initially identified.

Monitor the repaired area for leaks

Now that the pool is filled, keep a close eye on the repaired area. Check for any signs of water seepage, dripping, or moisture accumulation around the patch. If you notice any leaks, additional measures may be required to secure the repair.

Inspect the patch for bubbles or lifting

While the pool is refilling, inspect the patch itself for any signs of bubbles or edges lifting. These could indicate that the repair was not successful or that additional adhesive is needed. If needed, address any issues promptly to prevent further leaks.

Step 7: Additional Tips

To ensure a successful repair and maintain the integrity of your inflatable pool, consider these additional tips:

Avoid placing weight on the patch for at least 24 hours

To allow the adhesive to fully cure, avoid placing any heavy objects or excessive weight on the repaired area for at least 24 hours. This will prevent the patch from loosening or experiencing additional stress during the curing process.

Use a patch that matches the color of your pool

When selecting a patch from the kit, choose one that matches the color of your pool as closely as possible. This will help the repair blend in and make it less noticeable.

Store the patch kit in a cool and dry place

After completing the repair, ensure you store the patch kit in a cool and dry place. This will prolong the shelf life of the adhesive and patches, allowing you to tackle any future leaks with the same effectiveness.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To achieve a successful repair and prevent further damage, steer clear of these common mistakes:

Skipping the drying step

Rushing the repair process by not allowing the adhesive to dry thoroughly may compromise the effectiveness of the repair. Be patient and let the adhesive cure fully before proceeding to the next steps.

Not cleaning the area properly

Failing to clean the area around the leak adequately may lead to poor adhesion. Make sure to remove all dirt, debris, and residue before applying the patch to ensure a secure bond.

Using the wrong type of patch

Using a patch that is not specifically designed for inflatable pools can result in ineffective repairs. Choose a patch kit specifically formulated for repairing inflatable pool materials to ensure long-lasting results.


Repairing a leaking inflatable pool is within your reach with the right materials and method. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you’ll be able to patch and repair your pool efficiently. Remember to gather all the necessary materials, locate the leak, prepare the pool, cut and shape the patch, apply the patch, smooth it out, and test for leaks. By avoiding common mistakes and following additional tips, you can ensure a successful repair and prolong the enjoyment of your inflatable pool.


