How To Properly Winterize Your Inflatable Pool

As the colder months approach, it’s important to ensure the longevity of your beloved inflatable pool by properly winterizing it. By taking a few simple steps, you can protect your investment and guarantee that it will be ready for use when the warmer weather returns. From draining and cleaning the pool to storing it correctly, this article will guide you through the process of preparing your inflatable pool for the winter months. So, grab your gloves and let’s get started on safeguarding your summertime oasis!

Preparing the Pool

Clean the pool

Before winterizing your inflatable pool, it is essential to give it a thorough cleaning. Use a pool brush or a soft sponge to scrub the walls, floor, and any other surfaces of the pool. Make sure to remove any dirt, algae, or other contaminants that may have accumulated over time. This step ensures that your pool is clean and ready for the winter season.

Remove any debris

After cleaning the pool, it is important to remove any debris that may have fallen into it. This includes leaves, twigs, insects, or any other unwanted objects. Using a pool net or skimmer, carefully collect the debris and dispose of it properly. By doing so, you prevent the debris from decaying and potentially damaging your pool during the winter months.

Empty the pool

Once the pool is clean and free from debris, it is time to empty the water. Start by unplugging the drainage valve and allowing the water to flow out. Be patient during this step, as it may take some time for all the water to drain completely. Ensure that the pool is emptied thoroughly, leaving no standing water behind.

Deflate the pool

After the water has been drained, it is crucial to deflate the inflatable pool properly. Start by removing the air valve cap and releasing the air slowly. Gently press down on the pool to expel any remaining air. It is important to deflate the pool completely to avoid any potential damage during storage.

Draining the Water

Use a submersible pump

To drain the water from your inflatable pool efficiently, you can utilize a submersible pump. Place the pump inside the pool and ensure that it is fully submerged in the water. Connect the pump to a power source and let it run until all the water has been pumped out. This method is effective and saves time compared to manually draining the pool.

Drain the water properly

After using the submersible pump, it is important to ensure that the water is drained properly. You can direct the drained water away from your property by using a hose or creating a suitable drainage system. This prevents any potential flooding or damage to your surroundings. Make sure that the water is flowing away from your house or any nearby structures.

Check the drainage system

Before finishing the draining process, it is essential to check the drainage system for any clogs or blockages. Inspect the hoses and ensure that they are clear of debris or any other obstructions. This step ensures a smooth and efficient drainage process, preventing any potential issues that may arise during the winter season.

Cleaning and Drying

Scrub and clean the pool

Once the water has been drained from the pool, it is necessary to give it a final scrub and clean. Use a mild pool cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar to sanitize the pool’s surfaces thoroughly. Pay close attention to any stubborn stains or areas that require extra cleaning. Rinse the pool with clean water to remove any cleaning residue.

Remove any remaining water

After cleaning the pool, it is crucial to remove any remaining water. Wipe the pool’s interior surfaces with a dry cloth or towel to absorb any moisture. Pay special attention to corners, crevices, and seams where water may accumulate. Removing all remaining water helps prevent potential damage caused by freezing during the winter months.

Allow the pool to dry completely

After wiping away any remaining water, it is important to allow the inflatable pool to dry completely. Choose a well-ventilated area where the pool can air dry naturally. Ensure that there is no moisture trapped in the folds or seams of the pool. Waiting until the pool is completely dry before storage helps prevent the growth of mold or mildew.

Protecting the Pool

Inspect for any damages

Before storing your inflatable pool for the winter, take the time to inspect it for any damages. Carefully examine the pool’s surface, seams, and valves for any signs of wear or tear. Look for any holes, leaks, or weak spots that may need to be addressed before storage. Fixing these issues now ensures that your pool is in good condition when you are ready to use it again.

Patch any holes or leaks

In the event that you find any holes or leaks during the inspection, it is vital to patch them up. Use a patch kit specifically designed for inflatable pools and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This will help maintain the integrity of the pool and prevent further damage during storage. By patching any holes or leaks now, you avoid potential water damage and the hassle of repairing it later.

Cover the pool

To protect your inflatable pool from external elements, it is recommended to cover it securely. Choose a pool cover that fits your specific pool size, ensuring that it completely covers the entire pool. A well-fitted cover guards against dirt, leaves, and debris from entering the pool during the winter months. This step minimizes the cleaning needed when you reopen your pool in the spring.

Use an air pillow

An air pillow can be used as an additional protective measure for your inflatable pool. Place the air pillow in the center of the pool before covering it. The pillow helps to distribute the weight evenly, preventing any stress on the pool’s walls. It also allows any rain or snow that may accumulate on the cover to pool in the center, reducing the risk of damage caused by excess weight.

Storing and Maintenance

Store in a dry and cool place

When the winter season arrives, it is necessary to store your inflatable pool in a dry and cool place. Choose a storage area that is protected from extreme temperatures, such as a basement or a garage. Avoid storing the pool outdoors or in direct sunlight, as this can cause damage and deterioration to the materials. Proper storage ensures the longevity of your inflatable pool.

Avoid exposure to sunlight

One crucial factor to note during the storage period is to keep your inflatable pool away from direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the materials to fade, become brittle, or deteriorate over time. To preserve the pool’s quality and extend its lifespan, store it in a shaded area or use a cover that provides UV protection.

Check on the pool periodically

While your inflatable pool is in storage, it is important to check on it periodically. During these routine inspections, ensure that the pool remains dry, and there are no signs of damage or pests. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage. These periodic checks contribute to maintaining the pool’s condition and allow you to take immediate action, if necessary.

Maintain the pool properly

Even though your inflatable pool is in storage, it still requires some maintenance to ensure it stays in excellent condition. Regularly inspect the pool for any mold or mildew growth, and clean it as needed. Additionally, periodically check the air valves to ensure they are tightly sealed. By taking care of your inflatable pool during the winter months, you set yourself up for an enjoyable and hassle-free experience when it’s time to use it again.

By following these steps and properly winterizing your inflatable pool, you can ensure its longevity and hassle-free use season after season. Taking the time to prepare, clean, drain, and protect your pool before winter sets in will help maintain its quality and prevent any potential damage. With proper storage and maintenance, you will be able to enjoy your inflatable pool for years to come. So this winter, take the necessary steps to properly winterize your inflatable pool and look forward to a refreshing and enjoyable summer ahead!


