The Best Ways To Store Your Inflatable Pool For Winter

As the winter season approaches, it’s time to start thinking about storing your inflatable pool. With the colder temperatures and potential freezing conditions, proper storage is crucial to ensure the longevity of your pool. In this article, we will explore the best methods for storing your inflatable pool during the winter months, offering tips and advice to help protect your investment and make your next summer season a splashing success. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa and let’s dive into the best ways to store your inflatable pool for winter!

The Best Ways To Store Your Inflatable Pool For Winter

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to storing your inflatable pool for the winter, the first step is choosing the right location. Depending on your available space and personal preference, you can opt for indoor storage or outdoor storage.

Indoor Storage

Indoor storage offers several advantages for keeping your inflatable pool safe during the winter months. It helps protect the pool from extreme weather conditions, such as freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall. If you have a basement, garage, or any other enclosed area, it can serve as the perfect spot for storing your pool.

To prepare the indoor storage area, make sure to clear any objects or clutter that may damage the pool. Sweep the area to remove any dirt or debris that could find its way into the pool during the storage period. By choosing indoor storage, you not only ensure the longevity of your inflatable pool but also maintain its overall condition.

Outdoor Storage

If indoor storage is not feasible, you can consider outdoor storage for your inflatable pool. However, it’s important to take proper precautions to protect the pool from various weather elements.

When opting for outdoor storage, choose a location that is sheltered from rain, snow, and direct sunlight. It’s crucial to ensure that the pool is not placed on sharp or abrasive surfaces that may cause punctures or tears. Additionally, it’s recommended to use a weatherproof storage bag or container to provide an extra layer of protection against the elements.

Cleaning Your Inflatable Pool

Before storing your inflatable pool for the winter, it’s important to thoroughly clean it to prevent the accumulation of dirt, debris, and potentially harmful bacteria. Follow these steps to ensure a clean and ready-to-store pool:

Draining the Pool

The first step in cleaning your inflatable pool is to drain all the water. Use the pool’s drain valve or plug to release the water completely. Make sure to position the pool in a location where the draining water won’t cause any damage to your surroundings.

Cleaning the Pool Surface

Once the pool is drained, it’s time to clean the surface. Fill a bucket with warm water and mild soap or a gentle pool cleaner. Use a soft sponge or cloth to scrub the pool’s surface, removing any dirt or stains. Pay attention to areas that are often overlooked, such as the edges and corners.

Removing Debris and Dirt

After cleaning the pool surface, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Pay attention to the inside walls and floor to ensure no debris or dirt remains. You can use a hose or a bucket of water to achieve a thorough rinse.

Drying the Pool

Before storing your inflatable pool, it’s crucial to ensure that it is completely dry. Leaving any moisture behind can lead to mold or mildew growth, which can damage the pool. Wipe the pool’s surface with a clean towel or allow it to air dry in a well-ventilated area.

The Best Ways To Store Your Inflatable Pool For Winter

Deflating the Inflatable Pool

Now that your inflatable pool is clean and dry, it’s time to deflate it properly to ensure easy storage and prevent any damage.

Remove Plug or Valve Cap

Start by removing the plug or valve cap from the pool. This will allow the air to escape when you begin deflating the pool. Make sure to keep the plug or valve cap in a safe place, as you will need it when you’re ready to reinflate the pool in the future.

Let the Air Out Gradually

To prevent any sudden bursts or damage to the pool, deflate it slowly and gradually. Start by pressing down on the pool’s walls and floor, gently pushing the air out. You can also use your body weight to aid in the deflation process. Take your time and ensure that all the air is released before moving on to the next step.

Folding and Rolling the Inflatable Pool

Properly folding and rolling your deflated inflatable pool is essential to ensure compact storage and easy retrieval when the time comes to use it again.

Clear a Flat Surface

Find a flat surface, such as a clean floor or a large table, to fold and roll your deflated pool. This will provide a stable and even surface to work on. Ensure that the area is free of any sharp objects or debris that may cause damage to the pool.

Fold the Pool Neatly

Start folding the deflated pool neatly, following the manufacturer’s instructions if available. Typically, folding the pool in half and then in quarters is recommended. This will help maintain the shape and prevent any unnecessary stress on the pool’s seams.

Roll the Pool Tightly

Once the pool is folded, proceed to roll it tightly from one end to the other. Rolling the pool tightly helps minimize its size and creates a compact bundle for storage. Be careful not to roll it too tightly, as this may cause stress on the material or lead to creases that could be difficult to remove when reinflating.

Secure the Pool

To ensure that the pool stays tightly rolled and doesn’t come undone during storage, use bungee cords or straps to secure it. This will prevent any accidental unrolling and make it easier to store the pool in a compact manner.

The Best Ways To Store Your Inflatable Pool For Winter

Protecting the Inflatable Pool

To further safeguard your inflatable pool during the winter months, consider implementing additional protective measures.

Using a Protective Cover

If you store your inflatable pool indoors, using a protective cover can provide an extra layer of defense against dust, dirt, and potential damage. Choose a cover that fits your pool’s dimensions snugly and is made of durable material. This will help keep your pool protected until the next season.

Adding a Layer of Insulation

In colder climates or when storing your pool outdoors, adding a layer of insulation can help prevent any potential freezing or damage. You can use blankets, old towels, or even bubble wrap to cover the pool. This insulation layer will act as a barrier against extreme temperatures.

Storing the Inflatable Pool in Indoor Areas

If you have the space and prefer to store your inflatable pool indoors, there are several considerations to keep in mind.

Choosing a Suitable Storage Space

Select a storage space that is dry, well-ventilated, and free from direct sunlight. Basements, garages, or dedicated storage rooms are ideal choices. Avoid storing the pool near any sharp objects, chemicals, or heavy items that may cause damage.

Preventing Damage from Heavy Objects

Ensure that your inflatable pool is not placed underneath or near any heavy objects that may accidentally fall and puncture the pool. It’s crucial to prevent any potential damage that may occur during storage.

Avoiding Exposure to Heat and Sunlight

Direct exposure to heat and sunlight can cause the material of your inflatable pool to degrade over time. Therefore, it’s important to store the pool in a location that is not exposed to prolonged sunlight or extreme temperatures.

Storing the Inflatable Pool in Outdoor Areas

If storing your inflatable pool outdoors is your only option, take the following precautions to protect it from the elements.

Protecting the Pool from Weather Elements

Choose a location that is sheltered from rain, snow, and excessive sunlight. If possible, position the pool under a roof or a large tarp to prevent direct contact with the elements. This will help prolong the lifespan of your pool and prevent any potential damage.

Using a Weatherproof Storage Bag or Container

To provide an extra layer of protection against unpredictable weather conditions, consider using a weatherproof storage bag or container. These specialized accessories are designed to keep your inflatable pool safe and secure during the winter months.

Securing the Pool Properly

When storing your pool outdoors, make sure it is properly secured to prevent it from being blown away by strong winds. Use bungee cords or straps to tie it down securely. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your pool is protected from any unexpected weather events.

Avoiding Sharp Objects and Punctures

Be cautious of the area where you choose to store your inflatable pool outdoors. Ensure that it is clear of any sharp objects, such as branches or rocks, which could potentially puncture the pool. Regularly inspect the surroundings to identify and remove any potential hazards.

Regular Maintenance Check

Even during the winter months when your inflatable pool is not in use, it’s important to conduct regular maintenance checks to ensure its longevity.

Inspecting the Pool Regularly

Periodically inspect your stored inflatable pool for any signs of damage, such as punctures, tears, or worn-out seams. Address any issues as soon as possible to prevent the damage from worsening. By catching and repairing problems early on, you can extend the lifespan of your pool.

Repairing Any Damage

If you notice any damage during your maintenance check, take the necessary steps to repair it. Most inflatable pools come with repair kits that include patches and adhesive. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly patch any holes or tears. This will ensure that your pool is in good condition when you’re ready to use it again.

Keeping the Pool Dry and Mold-free

Throughout the winter storage period, make sure to keep your inflatable pool dry and free from any moisture. Moisture can lead to mold or mildew growth, which can damage the pool and create an unsanitary environment. Regularly check for any signs of moisture and address them promptly.

Preparation for Reuse

When the summer season approaches, it’s time to prepare your inflatable pool for reuse. Follow these steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience:

Inspecting and Cleaning the Pool

Before inflating your pool, inspect it thoroughly for any signs of damage or wear. Check the seams, valves, and plugs to ensure they are in good condition. Clean the pool’s surface using warm water and a mild soap or pool cleaner. Rinse it thoroughly to remove any cleaning residue.

Properly Inflating the Pool

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for inflating your pool. Use an electric air pump or a manual pump to inflate the pool to the recommended air pressure. Take your time to ensure that the pool is fully inflated and the walls and floor are firm.

Ensuring Water Safety Measures

Once your inflatable pool is inflated, fill it with clean water. Before allowing anyone to use the pool, test the water’s pH levels and add the necessary chemicals to ensure a safe swimming environment. Follow the guidelines provided by your local pool store or consult a professional if needed.


Taking proper care of your inflatable pool during winter is essential to ensure its longevity and make it ready for use when the season comes again. By following the right storing methods and maintenance routine, you can protect your investment and enjoy many fun-filled summers with your inflatable pool. Choose the right storage location, clean and dry the pool properly, deflate it carefully, fold and roll it neatly, and take additional protective measures to safeguard your inflatable pool. Regular maintenance checks and thorough preparation for reuse will keep your pool in excellent condition and provide endless enjoyment for years to come.


